There are far too little custom and funny Star trek T-shirts out there, so I figured it was time to make a couple of star trek shirts and sci-fi shirts. I hope you like them. The Star Trek shirts are totally original. You will find Star Trek shirts for men and women. The most popular and new star trek tshirt designs are at the top.

You can ship the design T-shirts anywhere in the world. So if you live in the United States or Europe it doesn't matter, the T-shirts can be delivered everywhere.

Shop or Create What's on Your Mind at CafePress
There are trek shirts for men and Women, but also tank tops, sweat shirts, mugs, clocks, longsleeves and a lot more. All hosted by Cafepress.

The following images are currently used on the shirts and other items. When i have time I will make a lot more trek t-shirts soon so don't forget to bookmark the page!

Also if you have good ideas for T-shirts or special requests contact me and I'll create it! If you do contact me, remember to add Star Trek t-shirts as a subject line. And if you bought one of my shirts let me know how it looks! I'm curious to know what you think of them! =)

Click on the image design to go to that particular shop.


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last updated:  06/15/2015 10:31:34