10.) Previews for the film end with a 1-800 number for viewers to buy
Trek merchandise as soon as it comes out.
9.) Genevieve Bujold has the title role.
8.) This time, it really *is* done in claymation.
7.) We find out Picard had Kirk's katra the whole time.
6.) From the start, the script is freely downloadable at several Paramount-encouraged ftp sites.
5.) The film contains an odd number in its title.
4.) Film turns out to be the long-awaited sequel to "Conspiracy" (TNG episode with the little bug-things).
3.) It's a TNG "academy days" story starring Fred Savage as Picard.
2.) The producers decide on the original idea of having the Enterprise taken over by the holodeck.... AGAIN.
and the number one sign that the next Star Trek film will go wrong is...
1.) They're the ONLY SHIP IN THE QUADRANT. |