The homeworld of the Ferengi species is Ferenginar. The Ferengi males who all live by the Rules of Acquisition are cheap, greedy and unreliable. Profit is they're only goal and their social structure degrades
females, based on the fact that the males have the lobs of success, witch are bigger
then female lobs.

Females are used for chewing the food for the males.
Their not allowed to wear clothes and they are absolutely not allowed to make profit.

Without any manners or social structure. They do respect their politic leader, The Grand Nagus. They believe that after their deaths they will go to the Great Treasure Room, if they have made enough profit in their life.

The Ferengi brain is composed of four distinct nodes, possibly what prevents them from being read empathically by Betzeds. Ferengi blood is yellow, turning dark blue-green when oxidized. Bodies are not autopsied or even touched until after death rituals -- which have been seen to be the desiccation and sale of the remains. The Ferengi culture does not embrace science, except where it will provide profit. Large earlobes are a sign of virility in Ferengi culture, and also an erogenous zone, sexually stimulated when stroked as in the performance of Oo-Mox. Ferengi females have smaller lobes then males and are not permitted to go out in public, hold jobs, wear clothing or particpate in trade or commerce; Quark says spouses never argue and that divorce and broken homes are unknown. Women are even asked to cut up food and chew it softly for their mates and children. They are also forbidden to travel.