Nyrians have developed a new method to take over technological knowledge and positions of other races. They take over the star ships by replacing the crew for their people. The Nyrians act like they don't know what is happening. This trick is repeated by all the Nyrians until the remaining crew can't do anything to stop the takeover. This method is especially created to improve Nyrian technology. Especially the translocating device. Unfortunately it is only possible to translocate two persons at a time because it is difficult to do that at great distances. One is beamed to the precise location, the other alien is beamed to the destination. The translocator needs to regenerate every 9 minutes and 20 seconds before they can continue with the next replacement. Unknown life forms that are beamed from a large distance are automatically stored in a confined biosfeer, made by their cultural and physically needs and holographically manipulated to create a environment that looks like their home planet.