star trek the next generation

Top 10 Reasons Star Trek Is Better Than Star Wars

10. Deanna Troi discarded the bun after one season.  Princess Leia still has those donut braids.

9. Worf's speech is at least intelligible, but Harrison Ford has to translate for Chewbacca.

8. Star Trek villains do NOT have asthma.

7. Star Wars spawned "Battlestar Galactica."  The worst Star Trek ever did was "Babylon Five."

6. Spock-- 'nuff said.

5. Star Trek-- the first space shuttle.  Star Wars-- a hare-brained nuclear defense system.

4. Kirk met "God" and told him off; Sisko met Q and decked him flat; Luke Skywalker met Yoda and was speechless.

3. Star Wars androids look like electronic trash cans on wheels.  Star Trek androids look like some people's ideal in masculine beauty.

2. Star Wars: Princess Leia.  Star Trek: Lt. Uhura, Nurse Chapel, Yeo. Rand, Lt. Saavik, Cmr. Troi, Dr. Crusher, Lt. Yar, Ens. Ro, Dr. Pulaski, Nurse Ogawa, Amb. K'ehleyr, Amb. Lwaxana Troi, Maj. Kira, Lt. Dax, Kai Winn, Lursa, B'etor, Cmr. Sela, Vash, Adm. Netcheyev, Cpn. Janeway, Lt. Torres, Kes. Hmm. . .

1. Star Trek consists of 7 movies and 4 TV series, a total of approximately 375 hours, a figure climbing at warp speed.  Star Wars, despite its following, is limited to 3 movies, a total of about 6 hours.
star trek the next generation
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