star trek the next generation

Top 10 Signs You Watch Way Too Much Voyager

10. Constantly say to yourself: "What would Janeway do in a situation like

9. Call up NASA every Monday and demand they send the Enterprise up to
rescue them.

8. Watched another show on UPN.

7. Have seen Star Trek The Motion Picture several times and still don't
understand the Vger/Voyager connection.

6. Saw some Residential College student post a plan to kill Neelix and kidnap
Kess, and decided to bust his punk ass.

5. Thought that China Beach was part of the holograph doctor's residency

4. You cry when the guys watching the Hubble Telescope show you their better,
clearer pictures of Jupiter.(Oops! Wrong Voyager!)

3. Eagerly open the door when the Am-way people show up, hoping it might be
Janeway instead.

2. Insist that the folks at DS9 stop copying the Voyager uniforms.

1. Shatner? Who's Shatner?
star trek the next generation
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