Hello! We feel that an interactive chat would yield the greatest success, as the occupants will be able to ask you the questions themselves. This we feel will attract a larger crowd and provide a higher level of interaction than the other methods available. We have formulated a means of making this as organized and straight forward as possible. Since our site uses a ranking system, we will only provide those with at least one official promotion (Lt JG) with the opportunity to enter the chat. This is for two reasons. 1) keeping the occupant level at a managable level, and b) preventing possible troublemakers from spoiling the chat. We will encourage everyone to come up with several questions beforehand - hopefully based on your book. When people log into the chat they will be given a number, and when their number is called they will ask you the question. This way you won't be bombarded with 30 questions at once. An hour of your time would be ideal for this to work. We feel that this interactive interview would be best held sometime in mid to late July to allow time for the promotion of this event (as many of us will be absent next week due to the Las Vegas union) and the opportunity for our members to read your book. If they have read your book we feel they will have more relevant questions to ask. We are very excited that you are willing to do this. We have many dedicated members who will all be very pleased to have the chance to chat with you. P.S. due to your computer, there may be a chance that the interactive chat will not be possible. Although almost all of the chatroom functions don't involve javascript, there may be some things your computer doesn't like. For this reason we suggest you visit the following URL: http://www.outpost10f.com/tenforward/ and see if your computer can handle it. This is our main chatroom - most likely where we'll hold the interview. Simply fill out the form you're prompted with and press the enter button. Once inside you'll see a large box and some function buttons. To post a message, enter the message in the large box and press the TRANSMIT button. To update the board, press the RECEIVE button. If this works fine your computer will be able to handle the interactive interview. Let us know if you encounter any problems with this. Thanks again! Regards, Andrew (aka Rascal) and Terrence (aka Adolf) (Outpost 10F founders)