Here we are…in Las Vegas. It's hard to believe that I first started working on the site 2 years ago. It certainly has surpassed all expectations of mine and probably all of yours as well. Who would have thought 2 years ago that people from all over the world would be meeting in real life due to involvement with a web site? It really has been amazing. Outpost 10F has been a great success, thanks to everyone in this room and many others who were unable to make it here this weekend. Outpost 10F and associated chats and projects have been a source of enjoyment for many people. To some it's a hobby - something fun to do in between studies or work. For others it's been a place to talk to people from all over the world, of all different cultures - to expand the mine and learn. For others yet it's become part of their daily lives, part of their community. I have asked myself numerous times what it is that makes Outpost 10F so special. Perhaps it's the ideals of Star Trek that the site promotes? That's probably part of it, but the real reason it has been such a special place is because you the people made it so. Without the honest, caring and understanding nature you've demonstrated, Outpost 10F would be nothing like it is today. Outpost 10F is a very unique site. No where else on the Internet exists, to my knowledge, another site that encourages the level of participation and interaction found at Outpost 10F. The projects and site additions people have created, the many friends we have made, and the fact that we are here in Las Vegas today demonstrate this. Outpost 10F is a community - perhaps it doesn't follow the word as defined in the dictionary - but it is most certainly a community - an online community. We are making use of communications technology that never existed at the current level four years ago - technology which will most certainly change the world as we know it. Some are afraid of change, find it scary. It is scary because it involves the unknown - it's only natural for one to be scared of the dark. The fact is though, that change has been happening since the dawn of time. We are entering a new postmodern age where information and communications technology will play a major role in everyone's daily life. Outpost 10F is a leading example of just what can be accomplished through the use of such technology. Other sites and groups will only follow. So, be proud of what you've helped create, be proud of the work you have done to help make Outpost 10F such a unique place in cyberspace. We are helping pave the path to a global network that enables people to extend their eyes, ears, voices, and consciousness around the world in a rich ecology of interactivity. That's what Outpost 10F is all about, and what it will continue to be for years to come.