Archive for January, 2007


Sunday, January 28th, 2007

Oh I can see that this is one of those weeks!
Oh yes the internet is still sluggish and that makes checking e-mails and replying hard and frustrating as it can take a couple of hours to read the few e-mails I have and then reply! Even trying to fun things can be annoying, for […]


Monday, January 15th, 2007

Today I went downtown, I need bread and fruit and a few other things that I can get in Yan’an. It was cold out but again on real surprise there, the wind was the worst part, it is that biting wind. Anyway enough about the weather, I was not planning on writing a blog […]

Eating out!

Friday, January 12th, 2007

Ah well,
Another rambling blog from me in cold Yan’an, yes it is cold, though right now the sun is shining and I have the curtains open so that I can make the most of the heat provided by the sun! However this morning I woke up and really didn’t want to climb out of […]

oh well life and stuff!

Tuesday, January 9th, 2007

Yan’an is still cold, it is winter so no surprise there, but we are going through a very cold period. Yesterday we had biting winds, the kind that cut though what ever you are wearing and makes you huddle down into your jacket, not that it makes any difference!
I have to say that it last […]