A New Year

Well it is January the first here and it is quiet, the internet is still sluggish and that makes it a pain to get anywhere on the web. I still can’t get in Star Wars Galaxies, though I can check e-mail, and browse some of my favourite sites on the web. It just happens to be slow, really slow.

Still on the bright side my living room is looking a less chaotic, I finished looking over my DVD’s and placing them in folders, I attempted for some unknown reason to try and place them in genre specific folders. Now when I am away and others are borrowing them I have no idea how long that will last! I will ask people to put the DVD’s back where they find them.

I have taken down the Christmas decorations and put them away, my mum would say I have done that too early, but I just wanted them gone. At the moment I am trying to decide what project to tackle next. My office was semi – sorted out when I ended up sick and tired so it was left in a half done state. I know what I want to do, I want to go through all the books and make sure that they are grouped alphabetically by author! Makes books easier to find, doing so allows me to decide if there are books I should give away as in I doubt I would ever reread them, or are they books I would want to keep.
I have a quite a few books now, and it is good to go through them and sort them out.

As well as that I just have stuff that I need to decide if I want to keep it or throw it away.
As I tried to fall asleep last night I started to over in my mind just what I was really attached to and needed to keep! I guess it would be fun to actually get rid of that much and just have a few things. Though I am not sure how many books I could really get rid of, even if I am sure I am never going to reread them, I have always wanted to have a lot of books around me.

Still I think it would be a good thing to do!

Then of course there are the CD’s to go through and work out what I need to keep and what I can give away. I guess the more of them I can put on my computer the more I could get rid off.

Not today though, today I feel like being lazy and watching TV and doing very little.

As for the weather, well it is cold and icy, I went out to through away some of the rubbish I have created from my clean up. The road was mostly snow clear, but icy, I walked up to the market at the gate in the search of eggs, no eggs for sale, which is unusual, makes me wonder why. I will wait and look again tomorrow and see what I find.

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