House Arrest and other things!


This is I hope a rare rant from me, but I just have to ask what is up with the British Government?

First of they are finally forced into releasing people who had been held without any charges being made against them, thereby ignoring the concept of innocent until proven guilty!

So what do they do they do, they decide to go for house arrest! Right now it seems that the government is attempting to push through a law that will enable the Home Secretary or maybe a judge to place people under house arrest.

How can they even consider placing people under house arrest but seemingly without any plans to prosecute them? Why are they not trying to build a criminal case against these people? When I hear house arrest, well it reminds me of countries with limited freedoms and who are not considered to be democratic, perhaps we need to place ourselves on that list!

Maybe it is just me, but it seems that we are allowing our freedoms to be taken away from us, and that worries me. It just seems that things are slowly being taken away and worse that the majority of people seem to be allowing it!

Maybe the government has a wonderful explanation for their plan, however they are failing to communicate it to me, and I am guessing to others as well.

Okay on a different note, I just want to say good luck to the Brit who is planning to travel the U.S.A and as he travels breaking different State laws in I think 40 States.

That is I believe he is planning on Whale hunting in Utah, falling asleep in a cheese factory in South Dakota etc etc. I hope that he is successful in completing his somewhat different trip!

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