Ah you know life and all


Okay so I am lazy when it comes to updating my blog, I admit it. To be honest I am not sure if there is that much to say really!


At the beginning of October I realised that I had reached a stage where work went I was worn down and need a break. I had been on the go from the moment I got back to China and during May and through the Summer I had managed some weeks of 90 plus hours as well at times just not taking any days off at all. So presently I am taking a semi break from work that is I am still working just not doing as much as I would do normally and avoiding any extra work.

Still there are a few things going on that I need to keep an eye on or be involved in, one of them is the café! I am still in the process of moving the café, the new room will be much larger than the old one!

New cafe

As well as that I had a team come through for one day that was a really busy day, everyone was cold, despite the fact that I had passed on that it was cold in the morning and at night the message never made it to the team. I had to dig out as much neutral stuff as I could find. First I had to avoid the obviously worn by a woman (the team was all male except for one person) and then it had to be semi neutral nation wise, they were all American and didn’t want to wear my union jack rugby shirt or for that matter my Cleavland Indian jacket, wrong state!

Never mind it was a good but very busy day and I had a good time the people they met loved them and mobbed them and I hope they had a good day.

lots of students

I keep you informed as to the progress of the café!

Isn’t Autumn beautiful!

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