Oh I can see that this is one of those weeks!

Oh yes the internet is still sluggish and that makes checking e-mails and replying hard and frustrating as it can take a couple of hours to read the few e-mails I have and then reply! Even trying to fun things can be annoying, for instance I have a game on my palm pilot and it fun. I have been trying for two days now to connect to the site and buy the full version. I have been trying on and off to connect to paypal so I can pay for my website. Trouble is I just can’t connect to it, it goes so far and stalls! Ironically, I have been able to connect to SWG and play some. However, some days even that is not accessible.

Still all of this I know is of a temporary nature, the net will get fixed and it will get better, though by the time it gets back to normal I will be out of the country and in the UK for a few months!

My family posted me some packages last year, three of them are now late, and another one might make it. Though right now I am beginning to wonder if there is any chance of that happening! Last year as well I went to CDWOW and brought a CD by Annie Lennox, her last album Bare which really is a great album. The thing is it never arrived, I contacted CDWOW who replaced it straight away and that copy made it.

Now on top of that three more packages have just never turned up, I know it is not down to bad address because my family have my address printed out in Chinese and it is correct!
So finally, today someone speaks to the post office. This after I pointed out that last year looking at packages mailed and packages received I received I believe 30% and 70% never made it! 70% never made it that to me seems to be a lot, worse I know that I am not the only one who lost stuff here!

What did the post office say, that I should tell my family to register all future letters and packages! No interest in trying to find out where said packages have gone, no interest in the fact that stuff is being stolen. Instead they push the problem back on to the victim and say well you solve it!

To be honest I am just so annoyed right now that I would just like to go and shout at a china postal worker and tell them they should get their act together! I know it won’t do anything and I guess there is a very small chance that the missing packages may well be very late and still turn up. I just do not feel that is likely though and now I need to consider what to do in the future!

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