Hot Hot Hot


I admit I keep forgetting to write anything, then again if no one ever reads it what is the point of writing?

I guess if only because then I get the need to write out of my system?

I am in Xian it is hot, 42 or 43 degrees C outside, I have had a headache for the last two days and well work is not helping much.

It seems that right now I am trying to sort out little things that are nit important to me, though important to others! Worse I am supposed to try and solve problems that I do not know how to solve?

I would like to be able to focus on my main job which right now is trying to set up places for people to live when they come and study here. It shouldn’t be that hard, but in fact it is a pain in the neck, if only because of the fairly serious talk about who lives where and why they should or shouldn’t live there. Some of it is little things like, well it needs a lot of work done to it before it is going to work and we don’t know if we can make the changes or not.

Still though I moan now in the end it will all get done and that will be good, more than that I can then focus on what I consider to be most important, and that is redoing the café up in Yan’an. Well not redoing as in fact it will be a new room, much larger, but having a facelift to make it more comfortable and I hope a place people want to come and chat in English and hang out, and oh drink real coffee!

One problem I face is getting the money from where it is to here, that and of course no knows quite what will happen with the Yuan, will the Chinese change it? There are rumours aplenty but so far no hard facts.

Oh yeah I had a good trip up to the north a while back it was hard work but in the end fun! Yes people loved to come and stare, in the end I just had to start taking pictures!
They love to stare

salt lake
Amazing site, salt still gathered using a method that is over two thousand years old.

One Response to “Hot Hot Hot”

  1. Aeon (from OTF) Says:

    Hong wrote:
    “I admit I keep forgetting to write anything, then again if no one ever reads it what is the point of writing?”

    Ni hao, Hong,

    I am reading your blog. I never posted a comment before, but I do read it. And now I think I’ll comment you every once in a while just to approve you that there IS someone that reads your blog. A very interesting one, indeed.


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