Season 1
Season 6


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Year of Hell Part II"
It's your body, who am I to judge. I'm only the chief medical officer, what do I know.
"Random thoughts"
I dread the day that everybody agrees with me.
"Concerning Flight"
"Mortal Coil"
You're a pecuere creature Neelix.
Thanks… I think.
The Borg encountered a Kazon colony in the Gand Sector, grid 6920.
Where they assimilated?
Their biological and technological distinctiveness was unremarkable. They were unworthy of assimilation.
I didn't realize the Borg were so discriminating.
Why assimilate a species that would detract from perfection?
Good point. If you will excuse me I'm needed in the shuttlebay, pleasant regeneration.
Janeway Tuvok: Welcome to the first night of Prixen. This year Mr. Neelix has requested that I commence the celebration with an traditional salutation.
We do not stand alone. We are in the arms of family. Father, mother, sister, brother. Father's father, Father's mother, father's brother, mothers brother, fa…
Sufficed to say the list is extensive.
Janeway Seven I think you've made a wonderful addition to this crew. I know it must have been difficult making the transition from Borg back to human. Or half human or whatever it is you've become. Actually your just plain Seven to me.
Your point Mr. Neelix.
"Waking Moments"

What I like to know is what Tuvok dreamt about.

Yes commander tell us; What do Vulcans dream about?
Janeway Aren't you supposed to have horrible nightmares?
I wonder what a Vulcan nightmare would be like.
Exhiled to a planet where the only form of communication is laughter.
"Message in a Bottle"
I heard there was some excitement this morning. When I started helping you improve your social skills, I'm fairly certain I didn't include a boxing lesson. You weren't hurt were you?
Close your eyes. Clear your mind, try not to think of analyze.
My mind is now clear.
This isn't an exercise of efficiency. Breathe deeply.
"The Killing Game"
"Vis á Vis"
"The Omega Directive"
Seven is taking this hive mentality just a little too far, designated functions, numbered drones, I wouldn't be surprised if she started plugging us into alcoves.
Blend in and adapt.
So you're going to realign your sensors with Seven's. Sounds like fun. (to Harry)
"Living Witness"

When diplomacy fails there's only one alternative. Force must be applied without apology. It's the Starfleet way.

This is Captain Janeway of the warship Voyager. Break off your attack or I will destroy you.
Janeway We've already drained 2 phaser banks and he hasn't hit anything!
Janeway If you looked at your console once in a while instead of chasing the female ensigns you see otherwise.
Tom's right this war was supposed to be over in 5 minutes.
Do you have a better idea Lieutenant?
Janeway As a matter of fact I do. Fighter shuttles a direct assault.
Led by you? Good luck.
Janeway Watch your mouth hedgehog.
I haven't heard a single good idea.
Janeway Well then propose something first officer, earn your rank for once.
(Chakotay and Tom fight.)
Gentlemen, gentlemen! (fires phaser) Save it for the holodeck. We've got a war to fight.
Pure fiction!
Halt recreation. If you would like to point out any inconsistencies?
Inconsistencies? I don't know where to begin.
Granted this looks like the briefing room, but these aren't the people I knew. They wouldn't behave like this, well aside from Mr. Paris.
If anyone has a better idea I'm listening.
Janeway We could set up a bicycle in the messhall attach a generator and peddle home.
Now why didn't I think of that.
Janeway And I volunteer Harry to take the first shift.
Captain maybe I can help?
Janeway Harry, the bicycle thing was just a joke.
Janeway Vorik: According to my calculations inviremental systems will cease to function in 2 hours.
You say that like you're giving me the weather report.
I would like to talk to you Ensign Kim, what is your place of origin?
You mean where I'm from. Well I was born in South Carolina…
Lieutenant Torres explain why you became a member of the Maquis?
It was true Chakotay, I met him…
List the sports you play.
I'm deviled in quite a few, tennis, paresis squares, but my favorite is volleyball it's…
Specify the foods you find enjoyable.
Seven what is this?
Describe the nature of your sexual relationship with Lieutenant Paris..
Oh that's it..
Janeway Home sweet sickbay.
"Hope and Fear"
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