About Me
I'd rather you get to know me personally than through
this web site. However, I figured I'd provide some information here. Instead
of rattling on about myself I've asked some friends to describe me.
Andrew is...
- An understanding leader, cautious but understanding and willing to
- Our handsome, charismatic, noble leader
- A mostly unknown person whom I've seen for 3 consecutive days
- A man with power
- A person who sells real estate
- A caring and understanding open minded free spirt
- The boyfriend of my ex-boss
- Still not the Fleet Admiral
- Someone who I have seen 4 times since joining OTF; who seems nice,
and is patient
- A down to earth, caring, and a kick A§§ friend.. if i may
call you that
- A damn Canadian who lives 100 miles north of me
- A guy who always eats the peas that are thrown his way
- Absent
- A reliable, intelligent, vanilla sweet, pleasant, predictable, lovely
young man with a bright future and good problem solving skills
- The Man
- A good listener, seems to have an open mind, comes across as genuine
and friendly in person and doesn't have an air about him at all
- A guy who always has this filter on, where he only reads certain parts
of a message. Sometimes I can ask the same question 5 times and he will
still answer to something completely different.
- A bringer of goodwill, friendship, and diplomat for world peace, even
if it can only exsist on this website
- Anal-rententive and has avoidance issues
- Very cool and needs to learn to stand on his head
- Helpful, friendly, efficient, understanding, and generally a nice
- Not a wang-alien