work and all that jazz


I know so slow to write anything on my blog, not that I am convinced that anyone ever reads it!

Anyway I am back home and busy, that has to be the story of my life! I took some holiday in August but I ended up working every day and I did enough during my holiday that I actually ended up not having any holiday instead I just had a quiet work week in a different city!

Anyway my big project of this semester was to move the english cafe form a classroom into a way bigger room. I had the plans drawn up and they were pretty cool plans I have to say! Then because I wanted to make someother changes we had to ask folks higher up in the university!

They didn’t know and when they did know they said no! I was pretty shocked and well wondered what on earth do I do now! They did tell me I could look at the new rooms under the stadium and so the next day I went down to take a look!!

I liked what I saw and asked for certain rooms, though knowing what happened with the last room and knowing that other people would be wanting some of these rooms I pushed for an official answer and so the day after that we went back with the relevant people. They didn’t agree with my first choice, I had semi expected that, but they did offer me a room bigger than one I was asking for! I took it of course, and now I am waiting for them to finish building the stadium which should be next month, we will see!

The school has promised that they will install school Internet cable, TV cable and water with drainage! Then I plan to (depending on money) upgrade my computer system and make the new cafe a wi-fi zone, which if it works will I believe be the first such facility here! I need to speak to some people to make sure it will work, but since I am saving money as far as not needing major building, painting or new glass I can spend money elsewhere!

Watch this space for more!

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