The end of the year.

Oh yeah this for me is the last day of 2006, it is cold outside and inside well it is warm enough but my living room and office are in chaos. Last week there was an earthquake, which damaged underwater telecommunication cables, making the internet in China very slow. It is a little better now, but still slow. In fact I am writing a blog and I am not even sure if I will be able to post it, but I am going to try!

Anyway 2006 was a mixed year for me, I moved the café to its new location, and had a good opening. However, after that travel, being sick and other factors meant that operating was patchy.

The summer was sent in repainting the bars, a fun project, the only thing I was worried about was having to try and paint the top of the bars. That worked out as other people did that part for me. So far the new paint, applied much thicker than the original sprayed on coat is holding well. The acid test will be how it stands up against the sandstorms that start in the Spring. They sandblasted the first coat back to the primer, I am hoping that this coat stands up better this spring.

Now I am looking at a month and then I am heading to Xian and after that Thailand and then back to the UK. This should be a three month trip, but unlike trips in the past I plan on getting a job, not sure in what to be honest, but just something that would give me a break from the work I have been doing.

I want a break from what I do normally so I can think about the future, a different temporary job just seems like the kind of thing that will help me do that.

I wonder if someone who has been working in education, in setting up and running projects for the last 11 years can speak Chinese and wants to so something different can even find a job!

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