

Filed under: General — Tom @ 1105

Yes! So I have a forum! So you all shall have to visit. There’s a link in my links page over >>> there. Sooo, VISIT NOW!


The Sexual Induendo

Filed under: General — Tom @ 2059

Ah, what a novelty. The ability to turn whatever one says into immature oooh, he mentioned a penis again style conversation. What would the world be like without the whole ’sex’ element of a conversation. Imagine this innocent line of conversation: “My migrane has gone from feeling like an earth shattering asteroid explosion to a mild volcanic erruption.” “Ooh, speaking of erruptions…” Like, come on. What are we? Two? I realise that some of you are fags and all, but please, try to act older than the number of bones in one finger. I’m not asking for much, maybe a serious conversation here or there that doesn’t devolve into “Hey! How big is your sexual organ?” or “Hey, I’m a dentist…mind if I practice some oral medicine?” I mean, HELLO! I have a sex drive but, PLEASE! I don’t need a reminder every five seconds that you do too. Sometimes I’m quite happy picturing people as non-sexual people… like my parents for example…or my roommate. But, that’s a whole other rant that wouldn’t fly well on here. *nod*


Bar Trip

Filed under: General — Tom @ 1452

So, I finally made it to the bar after aaages! Oh, god, it was so needed. *nod* I’d been so out of it for weeks of things. So, I’ve finally rested up enough energy to go… And I’m going again tonight.

So, work’s firing someone and I have to pick up thier shifts instead of thiers… I’ll be working Night Audit (BOOOURNS!) for a couple weeks. Pah. :(
