
Another day in the land of the ‘free’

Filed under: General — Tom @ 338

So, I just got home… *sigh* I’m rather tired. My feet are sore and my alergic reactions are getting stronger and stronger. I really need to figure out what’s irritating my skin, or if it’s just dry skin. I feel so blah. I haven’t been to the gym in ages. I wasted today entirely, I mean… I woke up, put on Smallville Season Two (OMG! It’s so good!) and lay in bed watching it all day. My room’s a mess again - why can’t I seem to keep it clean? I mean, it’s not that big of a deal… I dunno…it’s just nuts. Call me crazy, but yeah. And I feel totally drained by the end of the day somedays. I really need to make sure I get TWO days off in a row. I’m feeling so blah so quickly. I mean, I don’t feel healthy. I need a vacation - or something to go RIGHT for once. I feel like I’m barely keeping up in my real life - the outpost isn’t much of a strain anymore now that I’m not worried about being in the chats all the time. I can handle all the administrative stuff…writing proposals …making sure that Minas Tirith gets done. (more…)


Letter to a friend

Filed under: General — Tom @ 340

Hey Michelle,

I just thought I’d take the time to write you on this very early hour because I haven’t spoken with you in a rather long time. I’m starting to appreciate more and more the life that ‘adults’ live day to day. Going into work each and every day putting in countless hours without very much thanks. Then taking your hard won money and sinking it into living expenses leaving you with very little money left over to go and do what you actually want to do. *sigh* It’ll be worth it in the end when I can finally afford my trip to Ireland or perhaps my laptop computer that I’ve been trying to save up for…unsuccessfully. (more…)


Greatest gay sarcasm page ever!

Filed under: General — Tom @ 126

Hey everyone,

I just found this great page from the Gator GSA (Gay Straight Alliance). It’s rather funny if you can take the time to see the sarcasm in it. One of my favourite ‘brochures’ yet is this one: I think I might be straight…



Filed under: General — Tom @ 000

‘ello everyone, I’m in the market for a webdesigner to design Nobbe’s Headspace. I’ve got a few ideas that I’d like to be put into play, but I simply don’t have the expertise to do it. Leave me a comment or an e-mail and then YOU can help me out. =) Cheers.



Filed under: General — Tom @ 2330

Hey, welcome to my headspace! I’m probally going to be one that’ll be quite infrequent with my writing on here, but that’s okay. You’ll all have to be held in suspense as I write more and more and more. ;) You’ll all love it. Soon you’ll see that Captain Nobbe isn’t at all who he appears to be. He’s CWAZZZZY! Alright, so I don’t drink as much as Brady - but I still do get drunk once in a blue moon…sorta. Infact, I have to go pee right now so yeah, you’ll just have to deal with this as being the short introductory post. Yes, I do realise that I gave you a rather HUGE too much information in there, but you love it. You’re all my adoring fans. So, I’m pretty easy going with my blogspace. As such, if you have a comment, post it. It’ll appear as soon as I get back to say ‘yay!’ someone left me a post-it note on my quarter’s door! *smiles* So, y’all play nice and enjoy now. By the by, I hope to see a comment here by the time I finish the next episode of Smallville!