up left updown right right right
thump thump thump goes the pad
tune pump out of my stereo
whilst some cousin plays on the pad…
The thumping of feet on the pad is similar to that of my heart,
Slowly coming to a crawling stop…
without you to stop it,
I mean nothing,
have nothing left to give the world
it’s as if you’ve not only ripped apart my soul
but my very fibre, my very being
with your contempt, your spite, your thoughtlessness…
now as I crowd out the rest of the world with my life,
just so that I can conceil the pain
from myself, from you, from them…
now…I sit here numb,
as I bleed out the wounds you left in my chest
some how managing to be a walking corpse
alive, yet dead just the same…
Now, so far gone,
I know that only one can save me,
my one true love that will pull me out of this shell
no longer will friends do,
no longer will family save my soul,
just him, the one that will love me forever,
hold me through the night,
and kiss away my tears………….
one day, down the road,
one day my prince will come…
I can see that now…
no longer am I blinded by pain,
by fear of never being loved again.
Yet - I think to myself
at what cost do I find this love….?