
My Poetry

Filed under: Poetry — Tom @ 501

The morning dove cries it’s tune just shortly after I wake,
It’s song is filled with hope of a new day.
A day of piece, of forgiveness, of love.
More and more in this world, things are smashed apart,
Yet, we still hear the cry for hope in each simple song.

My song has taken on a new beat,
A beat filled with even more love,
A song of hope for the future,
A lyric of trust, and a future of magical times,
Yes, I’m still aware of the cost…

Yes, I’m aware that another lost,
But, there was so much to gain.
This is my eternal delemma,
Do the ends justify the means?
Not that there were any means that were wrong…

I still feel that I walked in on something that wasn’t mine
Something that was perfect not just two weeks ago,
Something not even nuclear war could’ve pulled apart,
Yet, what happened?
Lies and deceit.

Yes, Lies and Deceit and Cheat.
Anger bubbles in my soul
To lash out at… him
The One that hurt you,
The one that was just another fake.

Slowly, the fakes and flakes
Vanish from my life,
Replaced by the more sincere,
Replaced by the living,
Not the walking dead.

Slowly I see the other fading out of my life,
Fading into someone elses,
Now, will it stay strong?
I no longer care,
But I will be a friend, a friend ‘until my dying day’.

Come what may
Come what may….
You know what that means,
You understand the promise of friendship,
Come what may, Come what may…

Be prepared, my friend, be prepared,
Else, forever will you be trapped in the Moulin Rouge.
Come what may…
Circles of connections, Roxanne, with her red light,
She will come dancing in your music hall….

As for the new,
You hold a special place in my heart,
Where Ravens don’t fly,
Where the sunshines
And the rainbow sits…Yes, I welcome it. Come What May.

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