
Mind your own…

Filed under: General — Tom @ 324

Alright, this one falls under the “I’m extremely tired” and “Ranty” catagory. Click ‘more’ to read it.

So, here’s one for you, what happed to the pleasant days when senior officers were respected people - even if they were promoted ahead of someone else. I mean, I’m not saying that I’m automatically guaranteed that people should worship the ground I walk on, but just the general respect for someone who’s obviously got a level head on their shoulders to have made it to Sector Command.

It seems like anyone who’s got any level of rank feels the need to second guess and generally bitch about everything I do recently. I mean, take the death of the Pope for example. I mean, I was genuinely sad that the guy died and I took a time out from the Minas Tirith Anniversary Celebration so that I could have a moment before continuing on with my speech. I get an MSN message that says that I shouldn’t've done that because not all of the community believes in the Pope and it’s just another guy dying. Uh… pardon me? Do people just not take into concideration that I personally may want to take a moment out for me and not the good of the whole community? Sure, I’m a figurehead and all but do people not remember that I’m a living, breathing HUMAN behind this computer terminal? Guess not.

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