
Mind your own…

Filed under: General — Tom @ 324

But back to what started this rant. I was just dealing with a problem situation not too long ago. . . so I followed procedure, not to mention my better judgement, and I went ahead and suspended a dossier due to a moderate amount of swearing and other material that I didn’t think was generally what a family friendly chat community should have. Then I e-mailed the patron (who speedily said sorry, removed the material and I unsuspended their dossier) and asked for the material to be removed. Another slightly lower ranked person sent me an e-mail that I found to be rather distasteful, critisizing my choice of action. I mean, what the? Sure I might’ve been a little more hardassed than the modern standard, but no more than it would’ve been when I received my original ISA training. The thing that bothered me wasn’t that I was critisized, obviously I can handle that. It was the smart-assed comment that was tact onto the end. [e-mail confidentiality and general respect for the other person involved prevents me from actually posting a snippit from this e-mail] So this comes down to the respect issue. I really don’t get this especially since I’ve been around for over a year longer than this other patron…even still, why do people think they can just toss in a smart-assed comment and let it be like they know more than someone else? Or that they’re wiser than other people?

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