Kathryn’s Blog

Pointless, odd, ramblings

February 8th, 2005


Put your mouse over the picture for a discription

My mum as a trainee nurse, hasn't really changed much actually

My dad on holiday last year.  Notice the teeshirt tan :DThis is Damie....uh I mean my darling brother AndrewFinally we have Casper the epiletic, dodgy kneed cat.  He was still a little baldy after a knee op in this picture

February 8th, 2005

Couch Potato Stress/*sniff sniff*

I’ve just realised that most of my “shows” that I download will be ending soon for their hiatus.
I always feel at kind of a loss when i have nothing to download and spend all day Saturday watching :( .

In other news…Im either coming down with a cold or my sinuses are playing up. Not sure which I would prefer as both block my nose up and cause me pain…..saying that if it’s a pretty bad cold I get feverish which means I can’t really sleep..Hmmm iwas pretty hot last night and I didn’t sleep to well…buggery! Oh well at least there’s stuff I can take for a cold, the sinus stuff usually just causes me pain.