You know I really like the banner – it was completely unintentional – I tried putting a pattern on something with the width of 1 pixel (liquid satin I think) and this is the result!

Anyways – a little review on what I’ve been listening to/reading/watching lately.


Silent Hill: Never played the games, although I did once see a “trailer” for the original game. I really liked the movie – it was just a lot of maddness! Hated Sean Beans accent – seriously you’re not american stop trying to an american accent! I wanted to post a picture of Pyramid Head but I couldn’t find one :(
I wouldn't recommend a holiday there

Stargate: SG1: Season finale! I’m running a little BehInd in geTTing tO Review a numbeR somE American Television Shows. A brilliant finale it was too – total cliffhanger though :( and so I have to wait ages and ages and ages for the new season.

The House of Wax: What can I say? A bunch of irritating kids get killed by the Mercenary fella off of threshold. Worth it to see Paris Hilton get a pole through her head though ;)


Finished reading these not so long ago

Tailchaser’s Song – Tad Williams: Basically it’s about cats. Cats have their own society you know and real cats don’t have human owners – makes them fat and lazy and uncat like. The protagonist goes off to find his girlfriend risking life and limb – who, it turns out, was just getting all fat and lazy and un cat like. Okay so it doesn’t sound great there but it was quite enjoyable.

The Forever War – Joe Haldeman: From what I understand this is a science fiction response to the Vietnam War. Reminded me very much of Starship Troopers and to some degree The Ender Series by Orson Scott Card (also worth a read). Really enjoyed the book I must say.

Sir Thursday – Garth Nix: Part 4 of the Keys to the Kingdom series. Yes it is a kids book – absolutely love the series though. Extremely well written and Sir Thursday is no exception. It’s kind of hard to explain the series though – basically involves a young boy called Arthur, the house, the architect and the days of the week. The first novel in the series is Mister Monday. In this book he’s drafted to the Architect’s army!


Let Love in – Goo Goo Dolls: The new album from the Goos! Quite like some of the songs on it , the title song and better days. I’ll need to have a better listen though.
Let Love in

That’s all for now. Not really been reading since I’ve been off work and all the good movies seem to be out in May (well I say good, I mean movies I want to watch ;) ).