So…a little entertainment update. I’m hopefully going to see Spiderman 3 tonight Yay!
- Watching:
Well I thought the original one was a hell of a lot better. Plus I wasn’t overly impressed when they bring religious crap into it. Of course considering that Nathan Fillion played a character called The Preacher in BtVS I enjoyed the coincidence. It also had Starbuck from the new (improved) BSG in it.
If you haven’t caught this series yet – turn into sci-fi or download it. It’s the fucking bomb. Yes it’s a bit X-Meny and I really really really loathe the Nathan Petrelli character but definitely must see TV. I especially love Hiro
This is the TV series based on the Jim Butcher books which we know I just love to bits. I wasn’t sure at first but fortunately I’ve always been able to get over things not being the same as what Ive been reading. I’ve even warmed to Bob. However it might not make it to a second series which makes me sad inside
and what I nearly forgot was….
Doctor Who
New series has just started and the Rose Tyler character has been replaced by Martha Jones. I infinitely prefer Martha Jones. Her character seems more intelligent and personally think the chemistry is better. They also seem to be focusing less on her and more on the Doctor (whereas Rose seemed to be the main character in the previous series).
- Reading:
The Darkness that Comes Before & The Warrior Prophet (Prince of Nothing) by R Scott Baker
I have to say I really was a bit disappointed with this series. Probably because there aren’t any really strong female characters and any that are strong are either prostitutes or whores. I haven’t found any of the characters particularily likeable either and the writing style is a bit hard to follow at times. I don’t know if I will continue reading the series.
Proven Guilty (Dreden Files) by Jim Butcher
Again loved it loved it loved. The storyline is definitely moving forward and in some respects I like where it’s going. My only concern is the increasing religious overtones that are being thrown in. Particularily when Michael and his family come up in the story line. Perhaps I’m just being a little sensitive so I will keep an open mind.
- Listening to:
I don’t think it’s as a strong as Fallen however there are a couple of songs on it I like. Particularily The Only One. It’s all terribly gothic
That’s all folks!